What is the project about?

The CP4CDS project provides climate projections for the Climate Data Store (CDS). The Climate Data Store is part of the European Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S).

CP4CDS means Climate Projections for Climate Data Store.

We currently provide a subset of the CMIP5 global climate model data. This data is made accessible via web-services using standard interfaces like OpenDAP and using the ESGF software stack.

In addition we provide compute services for predefined operations on the climate data pool, like subsetting and re-gridding. These computations are available via a web-service using the Web Processing Service standard interface. We also serve more advanced operations on climate data using the C3S MAGIC toolbox.


Our project highlights are:

  • Access to a quality controlled subset of CMIP5 data.
  • A resilient infrastructure for data and compute services.
  • An extendable software solution for additional datasets and processing tools.